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Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography merupakan deskripsi singkat mengenai sebuah pustaka atau rujukan yang mencangkup informasi yang dianggap penting dan relevan terhadap rencana topik penelitian kita, seperti: masalah, tujuan penelitian, metodelogi, hasil & kesimpulan penelitian. Pada dasarnya annotated bibliography  dilakukan dengan memberikan catatan mengenai informasi atau ulasan tambahan yang telah kita lakukan terhadap sebuah pustaka yang kita kutip dalam penelitian yang dilakukan. Tujuan melakukan annotated bibliography adalah agar kita dapat mengetahui apakah paper atau artikel yang kita rujuk relevan dengan penelitian kita dan apakah mempunyai bobot ilmiah atau mutu yang tinggi atau tidak. Umumnya annotated bibliography mengacu pada jurnal internasional karena jurnal internasional memilki bobot tinggi dibandingkan dengan jurnal nasional dan prosiding.

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Bibliografi Panagiotis H. Tsarouhas

Reliability dan maintainability merupakan parameter yang paling penting dalam menentukan kualitas suatu produk. Reliability didefinisakan sebagai probabilitas dari suatu sistem untuk dapat melaksanakan operasi atau fungsinya dengan baik selama selang waktu tertentu. Sedangkan Maintainability didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan suatu item dalam kondisi pemakaian tertentu, untuk dirawat, atau dikembalikan ke keadaan semula dimana item itu dapat menjalankan fungsi yang diperlukan. Salah satu tokoh yang melakukan penelitian tentang pentingnya pengukuran reliability dan maintainability pada beberapa studi kasus adalah Panagiotis Tsarouhas (2009) dalam studi kasusnya di lini produksi strudel menjelaskan konsep dasar pengukuran reliability menggunakan data eksperimental untuk memperbaiki desain dan operasi lini produksi. Kemudian Panagiotis (2009) melanjutkan studi kasusnya pada industri pembuatan botol jus dengan menerapkan metode MSE, Model yang dikembangkan berguna untuk menilai kondisi saat ini dan memprediksi reliability untuk meningkatkan kebijakan manajemen operasi lini produksi yaitu pemeliharaan strategi, spare parts, dan inventory control. Selanjutnya panagiotis (2010) melakukan studi kasus di jalur pengemasan beer menggunakan data kerusakan dilapangan (Field Failure data) tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menyediakan sebuah model reliability dan maintainability yang valid untuk produk makanan, produsen mesin, yang menargetkan untuk mengoptimalkan desain dan operasi jalur produksi kemasan. Hal yang terpenting pada penelitian ini, yaitu terdapat bukti kuat  bahwa pengukuran reliability dan maintainability sangat penting dalam dunia industri untuk menentukan kualitas produk dan manfaat dari pengukuran tersebut bagi perusahaan industri itu sendiri.

Talk About Dr. Panagiotis H. Tsarouhas Dipl. Eng., PhD
Dr. Panagiotis H. Tsarouhas Dipl. Eng., PhD lahir dikota Lamia, Greece pada tahun 1967 adalah seorang dosen di Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Department of Logistics, konsentrasi bidang research beliau adalah Production & Operations Management, Reliability analysis, Maintenance, Quality Engineering, Performance Evaluation, Operations Research / Management Science, Applied Probability, Automatic Control.
Berikut beberapa jurnal beliau yang sudah dipublikasikan :
  1. P. Tsarouhas, (2010), “A comparative study of performance evaluation based on field failure data for food production lines”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, inpress.
  2. P. Tsarouhas, I. Arvanitoyannis (2010), “Reliability and Maintainability analysisof bread production line ”, Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol.50(4), pp. 327343.
  3. P. H. Tsarouhas, I. S. Arvanitoyannis (2010), “Assessment of operation management for beer packaging line based on field failure data: a case study”, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 98(1), pp.5159.
  4. P. H. Tsarouhas (2010), “Measuring the efficiency of Medical Equipment”, ”, International Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6(1), pp. 1520.
  5. P. H. Tsarouhas, I. S. Arvanitoyannis, Z. D. Ampatzis (2009), “A case study of investigating Reliability and Maintainability in a Greek Juice bottling Medium Size Enterprise (MSE) ”, Food Food Engineering, Vol. 95, pp. 479488.
  6. P. Tsarouhas, I. Arvanitoyannis, T. Varzakas (2009), “Reliability and Maintainability analysis of cheese (Feta) production line in a Greek mediumsize company: A case study”, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 94, pp. 233240.
  7.           P. Tsarouhas, T. Varzakas, I. Arvanitoyannis (2009), “Reliability and Maintainability Analysis of Strudel Production line with experimental data; A case study”, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 91, pp. 250-259.
1.Jurnal Pertama

In this study, a statistical analysis of field of failure and repair data for a strudel production line was carried out. The descriptive statistics of data and the estimates of the parameters of the Weibull distributions that have the best fitness index were determined. Furthermore, the reliability and hazard rate modes were calculated for all workstations and the entire production line because they that can be useful tool to assess the current situation, and to predict reliability for upgrading the production line maintenance policy.The collection and analysis of the line actual data extended over a period of sixteen months. To the best of our knowledge there are no field failure and repair data available in literature for strudel production line apart from two papers reporting on classification and calculation of primary failure modes in bread production line reliability (Tsarouhas, in press) and on reliability analysis of an automated pizza processing line (Liberopoulos and Tsarouhas, 2005). Therefore, this manuscript can potentially serve as a valid data source for bread & bakery product manufacturers, who wish to improve the design and operation of their production lines.

2.Jurnal Kedua

In this study, reliability and maintainability analysis was conducted for juice bottling industry by applying statistical techniques on field failure data. Reliability, maintainability, failure rate, and repair rate models of the production line for all workstations and the entire production line were developed. Data collection from the line and their analysis were valid over a long time of forty-five months. The developed models could prove to be a useful tool both to assess the current conditions and predict the reliability for upgrading the operations management policies of the production line i.e. maintenance strategy, spare parts, inventory control etc.

3.Jurnal Ketiga

In this study reliability analysis for beer packaging line over a period of 9-months was carried out. The most important failure modes were identified and the descriptive statistics at failure and machine level were elaborated. The best fit of failure data for several theoretical distributions was determined and the respective parameters were computed. The reliability and hazard rate models of the failure data were determined in order to assess the current operation management (i.e. maintenance policy, training, spare parts) and improve the production line efficiency. The aim of this paper is to provide a valid reliability and maintainability model for food product machinery manufacturers, who target to optimize the design and operation of their packaging production lines.


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